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Mostrando Ocurrencias para: Punta de Aguila

Bangkukuk Taik


1. land,toponomy Punta de Aguila


bangkukuk taik
large top-knotted hawk end


  • Etnográfica:
    Originally occupied by one family, and abandoned as a living place for many years, though people from there who had moved to Cane Creek planted some, and picked oranges, mangoes and avocados from the several fruit trees previously planted by Old Willie. Was big jungle for many years. Punta de Aguila now is a large and growing relatively new settlement, after Pedro Macrea, who was born there, and his sons decided to start clearing it in the late 80s, in part to keep Mestizos from taking over. As of 2009 has about 100 inhabitants, nearly all Rama, with only a couple of mixed familes. Many are from Rama Cay. Several native speakers of Rama live there. located between Monkey Point and Cane Creek. About 1 1/2 hrs. to walk quickly in dry weather to Monkey Point, about 45 min. to do so to Cane Creek.
    It is also known as 'Bocal', Spaniards and Kriols have given it that name. Presumably there used to be large top-knotted hawks, or perhaps Harpy Eagles there.
  • Léxica:
    Literally: punta del gavilan.